Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for the years 2014-2020.. Thanks to the Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme you have the opportunity to do an internship in a company or body in one of the member countries of the EU (except Italy) and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Macedonia and to receive a financial grant.


Students spending a mobility period at the University of Bologna to carry out an internship within the Erasmus+ for Traineeship programme, need to be accepted by a professor who will tutor their activities. They are hosted in Departments. The document required to start the mobility programme is the Learning Agreement for Traineeship (LAT).

2021/22 A call is issued for applications to do two/three-month paid traineeships in European Union countries. Deadline: 12 May. Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro - Piazza Umberto I - 70121 Bari (Italy) - P.I.01086760723 | C.F.80002170720 2020-03-05 Do you want to do your traineeship with us? ERASMUS + MOBILITY FOR INTERNSHIP: WHAT IT IS AND HOW TO PARTICIPATE . Erasmus + is the European Union Program in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020 which supports the international mobility of students and future graduates to the countries participating in the Program (cf. art.1.4), with the aim of improving March, 30 2021, 14.00 on MS Teams Erasmus Veterinary students’ reviews. Reviews of Erasmus students of the Veterinary Medicine, Safety and Quality of Animal Production and Animal Biotechnology Study Courses, who have done a traineeship period with the Erasmus program or with another international exchange program. 2018-06-27 Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for the years 2014-2020..

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Application 3d call. 3d call - publishing date 26.03.2021 Application deadline 27.04.2021. First date possible for the internship start 01.06.2021. The possibility of taking part in a student mobility program will depend upon the development of the health risks associated with the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures taken by the relevant Italian and host country authorities.

Nell'ambito del programma di mobilità Erasmus+, il progetto Erasmus+ for Traineeship consente a studenti e studentesse dell’Università di effettuare tirocini presso imprese, centri di formazione e di ricerca presenti in uno dei Paesi partecipanti al programma e prevede l'erogazione di un contributo finanziario per coprire parte delle spese sostenute dagli studenti durante il periodo di

Erasmus Traineeship Period: 01-03-19 till 31-05-19. BEFORE THE ARRIVAL 1. Why did you decide to do an Erasmus Experience and to come to our University?

Erasmus traineeship unibo

Guida 2020/21 per studenti vincitori Programma Erasmus+ per sedi UE e di idoneità alla mobilità Erasmus+ Traineeship da effettuarsi nell'a.a 2020/2021 

Erasmus traineeship unibo

If you have previously been on an Erasmus mobility (internship/exchange or similarly), the total mobility period may not exceed 12 month per academic level (e.g. Bachelor's level, Master's level or … mettersi in contatto con l’Ufficio Erasmus+ Traineeship dell’Università di Tor Vergata inviando una e-mail a per iniziare la ricerca dell’impresa ospitante (per coloro che non dispongono ancora di un’offerta di tirocinio) e per concordare il periodo di tirocinio (per coloro che sono già in possesso del Learning agreement for Traineeship approvato dall This means the duration of Erasmus grants for Erasmus traineeship mobility and Erasmus student mobility and in a specific cycle of study for a student can be maximum 12 months. However, in order to provide mobility opportunity for higher number of students and because of the budget limitations, the maximum duration of granted period is limited with 3 months. Language assessment and online courses Mandatory language assessment Before starting your internship, you will conduct a mandatory test in the language you will use during your traineeship abroad.

International Programmes EMS UNIBO finns på Facebook. Logga in eller skapa ett konto för Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeship call is online! Deadline: 6 May Visa mer av TEAM International Degree Programme-Rimini Unibo på Facebook. Logga in. eller ESN Rimini - Erasmus Student Network traineeship-oppor… myAlmaOrienta è la nuova applicazione dell'Università di Bologna che ti aiuta a scegliere il tuo futuro corso di studi. È semplice, completa e personale: su  This study targets this question examining placement events in Swedish. by Erasmus Alberus, Esopus/ Gantz New gemacht (1548) by Burkard Waldis, and Hundert 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5445 kon conference/other ref Reporting bicycle  We now have a new agreement within Tourism with Erasmushogeschool Brussel L'Alma Mater Studiorum è la prima università del mondo occidentale e oggi you can apply at any time (provided that you have found a placement).
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Bachelor's level, Master's level or … mettersi in contatto con l’Ufficio Erasmus+ Traineeship dell’Università di Tor Vergata inviando una e-mail a per iniziare la ricerca dell’impresa ospitante (per coloro che non dispongono ancora di un’offerta di tirocinio) e per concordare il periodo di tirocinio (per coloro che sono già in possesso del Learning agreement for Traineeship approvato dall This means the duration of Erasmus grants for Erasmus traineeship mobility and Erasmus student mobility and in a specific cycle of study for a student can be maximum 12 months.

Gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea magistrale dell'Università degli studi di Bergamo possono svolgere un periodo di tirocinio  25 set 2020 Laureandi iscritti alle sessioni di laurea dei mesi da ottobre 2020 a luglio 2021 dei corsi di studio del Campus di Ravenna dell'Alma Mater. International Programmes EMS UNIBO finns på Facebook.
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È possibile fruire di Erasmus fino a dodici mesi per ogni ciclo di studi o (triennale, magistrale, scuola di dottorato), indifferentemente dal tipo di esperienza (sia per studio che per tirocinio) anche per coloro che hanno già realizzato un'esperienza formativa nell'ambito del Programma Lifelong Learning (LLP).

This guide refers to several documents. Traineeship activities will be agreed with departmental Erasmus Coordinators and defined in your Learning Agreement for Traineeship. The traineeship lasts 2 to 12 months for Bachelor's degree programmes, and up to 24 months for Master's and single-cycle degree programmes. The total period abroad includes both study and traineeship mobility. An Erasmus Traineeship must be arranged in direct contact with a department or research group at the University of Copenhagen.